Now Hiring: Peer Career Advisors

Last fall, we launched the inaugural year of the Peer Career Advisors (PCAs) program. We hired a team of 7 students who we then extensively trained to help answer all your career related questions. Undergraduates at Penn are now able to walk into Career Services anytime from 11:00-5:00, Monday-Friday for  a quick 15 minute Pop-In, no appointment needed. PCAs have helped students with everything from resumes & cover letters, to interviewing tips, to figuring out how to use that one weird part of Handshake. The program has been a great addition to our advising resources, and we have had almost 700 Pop-Ins since we started in August 2019.

The PCAs have become an integral part of our office – not only offering Pop-Ins, but also facilitating workshops for departments and student groups all over campus. They love being able to share their personal experiences going through the career exploration journey, and offer a unique insight as peer advisors. We are now looking to grow the success of this program and hire new PCAs for the 2020-2021 academic year!

Applicants should be rising sophomores, juniors and seniors who will have completed at least one internship or research experience prior to commencing the PCA role in Fall 2020. Undergraduate students from ALL schools are encouraged to apply. Don’t worry if you don’t know everything about resumes, interviewing or networking – there will be training in April and August so you will be fully prepared!

Please visit Handshake to find out more about responsibilities and application information.

Questions? Contact Jingy Yen at

By Jingy Yen
Jingy Yen Associate Director, Wharton Undergrad