Spring Tips with Summer Around the Corner

Now that it’s officially spring, the weather is getting nicer (thank goodness), and the end of the semester is arriving sooner than you think. With that in mind, here is a very short list of a few tips to remember/complete before the semester finishes:

  1. Summer internship/full time job: Haven’t found one yet? Don’t be discouraged! Remember, we’re still in a global pandemic (although the job market is looking much better for this summer than it did for last). Make sure you submit your resume and cover letter to be reviewed or schedule an appointment with an advisor via Handshake to talk about strategy. There are still plenty of internships/jobs out there. Not sure where to look? Check out Handshake and CareerShift – access CareerShift through the Penn Career Services website here; you can log in for free with your Penn email/password.


  1. Networking: I say this in every advising appointment, and I’ll say it again: network, network, network! Now is the perfect time to start, no matter what year or age you are. Not sure where to start or how to network? Talk to us! We’ll go over how to get started and what typically happens during a networking conversation. The best source for finding someone to network with is MyPenn. It’s the online Penn alumni database, and you can add filters to narrow down your search. I’ve had many students report back saying how successful they were with utilizing MyPenn – some even got interviews/internships out of it!


  1. Choosing a major: Still trying to figure out what it is you want to major in here at Penn? Be sure to schedule an appointment with your academic advisor to talk more about your interests and what courses you’ll need to take for specific majors. Career Services can talk with you about what you want/hope to do in the future, so schedule an appointment with us!


  1. Wear a mask: Yes, please still wear your mask! With the warmer temperatures happening these days, I know I want to be outside more than ever. I never leave home without my mask, and neither should you. Be smart, be safe, practice social distancing, and wear a mask!
By Kevin Haines
Kevin Haines Associate Director, Engineering