An In-Depth Report on Virtual Recruiting. (Spoiler: It’s Here to Stay)

The past year and a half has seen tremendous change in the way recruiting is conducted. The pandemic may have forced everything to go online in spring of 2020, but those of us in Career Services know that this was simply an escalation of a trend that was already well on its way.

That said, the sudden reality of 100% virtual recruiting was still a major adjustment and even as we entered 2021, we had to ask if this was just for “right now” or would we be seeing a return of employers on campus by the fall? If we did – was returning to that model the best thing for our students and employers? Would they even want that?

Our partners at Handshake had the same questions – so they went right to the sources. In a major poll of students, employers, and career offices, Handshake dug into what worked, what didn’t, and what the future might look like with virtual recruiting. The results might surprise you.

When compared to in-person events, a majority of students agree that: virtual events made it less intimidating to learn about employers (71%), vitual provided more flexibilty around scheduling (75%), virtual made it easier to preapre to meet with employers (65%),virtual made the job search process more convienant (67%). n=1,673 (subset of May 2021 survey who attended virtual event.)

I encourage you to read the full report here: Who Wins with Virtual Recruiting?

By Michael DeAngelis
Michael DeAngelis Senior Associate Director, Communications & Technology