Almost every student I’ve met with in the past few months asks the question “Is it too late?!”
Is it too late to apply for an internship, or a full-time job? Is there some date that all the opportunities available will be closed?
Let’s bust this myth. Unlike college admissions cycles with deadlines, think about your internship or job search like a “rolling” process. Organizations will continue to hire interns, new full-time staff and experienced professionals until they have filled their positions. Given the volatility the labor market has experienced in these last two years, some organizations have expressed a hesitation to make early offers, waiting to see how the market changes and how their business does before determining their “headcount,” or find themselves short-handed and need to find someone great right away! These are just a couple of factors that have kept doors open… and why I encourage you to keep applying!
A quick search *today* on the Jobs tab of LinkedIn for keyword “Summer” and filtered by internship shows that more than 1K roles were posted in just this last week. Now, of course there may be some stray, early 2023’s in there, but by all means, there may be the one for you! (I would tell my MEAM and EE students in SEAS about this one in Chicago, or this fully remote position at Square!) If remote work will allow you to pursue the other things you wish to do this summer, add that filter like I did here. And for our very new alumni that were just at graduation (congratulations!!!!), in just the last 24 hours, over 100,000 entry-level positions have been posted on LinkedIn – and almost 500K in the last week.
If you’d like some assistance in starting – or refreshing – your internship or job search, please know that Career Services advisors are here to help you! We are “in the office” and taking appointments all summer long, and of course our website is *full* of resources you can access 24/7 to ensure that when you do find that position that’s right for you, your application materials will be ready to go! Log into Handshake any time to find the next available appointment with your advising team.