Congratulations Graduates!

Congratulations to the Class of 2024!  You’ve been through some rather tumultuous years – from beginning your studies in the midst of a pandemic, to becoming more comfortable with new technologies (including the revolution that is AI and online learning), to periods of political and social unrest in the US and the world. Through it all, you’ve persevered and are now moving on to become Penn alumni.  This is truly an accomplishment to celebrate!

As they say, the only constant is change, and your adaptability will serve you well as you move forward after Penn, whether it be to enter the working world or to pursue additional education. Some of you may report to an office five days a week, while others may work entirely from home.  Almost every field will be impacted by generative AI. The necessity to keep up with new technologies and proactively and consistently develop new skills will remain present, but during your time at Penn you have proven that you can thrive in such an environment.

As you finish your time at Penn, know that the entire Career Services team has appreciated the opportunity to get to know you – through appointments, workshops, events, emails and more.  We are here to support you as a Penn graduate even after you leave campus.  If you are still seeking employment or additional educational opportunities, feel free to make an appointment on Handshake (either in person or virtual) to discuss your next steps with a career or graduate school advisor.  We will be available throughout the summer and beyond. But most importantly, CELEBRATE your graduation and many accomplishments.  We will be there to cheer you on!

By Barbara Hewitt
Barbara Hewitt Executive Director