Hosted by Integral Molecular
This fall, we will be featuring blog posts written by PhD students who participated in Career Services’ Career Exploration Fellowship (CEF), a program that helps doctoral candidates explore their career interests through networking opportunities with advanced degree professionals. Click here to learn more about CEF.

Describe your experience working with your host.
My host was Dr. Michael Phelan, Project Leader at Integral Molecular. Being matched with a smaller biotech in the heart of University City was an amazing learning opportunity for me. Michael was very attentive and enthusiastic about being a host this semester. At the start of the program, Michael was very curious about my goals for this fellowship and post-PhD. This allowed him to curate an experience for me that would be most beneficial for my future.
After exchanging many emails and learning about Integral Molecular, Michael and I met in person for coffee. There we talked more about my thesis work and how I could leverage my PhD training for biotech. I also had the opportunity to tour Integral Molecular and learn more about the day to day at a smaller biotech to get a sense of the work culture. Additionally, Michael introduced me to his network which aligned with many of my future goals and aspirations. He and his network also encouraged me to stay in touch even after CEF ends.
What did you learn from this opportunity (about yourself, potential career fields, the job search, etc.)?
This opportunity gave me the experience I needed within biotech to confirm that this is the career path I want to pursue. I had the opportunity to see first-hand the possible work-life balance in biotech. While visiting Integral Molecular, I spoke with many of Michael’s colleagues about their experience in biotech and at Integral Molecular. Everyone had such positive interactions and genuinely seemed happy working there. It was also nice hearing everyone’s journey to biotech which made me feel more confident in my career pursuit.
How did the CEF experience benefit your future career plans?
The CEF experience gave me insight into the world of biotech that I’ve been seeking. It can be difficult to find time for industry externships during your PhD training. My CEF experience allowed me to gain knowledge into industry and gave me the opportunity to picture myself in a non-academic research environment. After this experience I now have a reference for the type of work culture and life balance I wish to have in my career.
What was the most valuable part of your CEF experience?
The most valuable part of my CEF experience was being able to meet and network with Michael’s colleagues. It really gave me a sense of the type of non-academic career I could attain. The informational interviews with his network also allowed me to get a better understanding of how diverse your background can be and still be successful in biotech.
Top reason PhD students should apply to the CEF program?
Students should apply to CEF if they are in need of/want a hands-on experience in their career field of interest without the time commitment of a formal externship. This fellowship is such an amazing opportunity for students to gain first-hand insight and knowledge about what it takes to pursue a career in this field.