Julia Fiedor, COL ’23, Jefferson Hills, Pennsylvania
This summer, I conducted research in the Radiation Oncology department at the Perelman School of Medicine. I worked in the CSConn Lab, which focuses on cancer at the translational level. I started my …
This summer, I have had the incredible opportunity of working in the Maris lab at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. From countless hours in the cell culture room to dozens of Western Blots, …
As you start thinking about medical school admissions, you will repeatedly hear that the MCAT is a marathon, not a sprint. This means that the endurance and stamina required to master this exam – physical, mental, and emotional – must be built …
By Doris Tabassum
Doris TabassumAssociate Director, Graduate School Advising
This summer, I had the opportunity to work on a research study with Neoneur at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). Neoneur is a tele-health device that monitors infants’ respiration and sucking patterns while they …
This summer I had the opportunity to work as a research assistant in the Changing Brain Lab, a Penn Child Development Lab focused on studying how the brain changes as people grow and learn …
Volunteer assignments may exist in nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, pharmacy or hospital administration. Other assignments may be available if …