
Fostering Impactful Communication in Your Doctoral Journey

Effective communication is a key skill for success in any career field. It is especially important for PhD students for …

Making the Most of the PhD Training Platform

Are you a doctoral student looking to explore different career pathways? The PhD Career Training Platform can help you navigate …

Creating Impactful Resumes & Cover Letters for Doctoral Students

A strong resume and cover letter are critical components of any successful job search. In this session, we will discuss …

Case Interviewing Workshop (Spring 2023)

Wharton MBA student and Career Services Graduate Assistant Kourtney Kellan walks you through how to best prepare for a consulting …

Negotiating your job offers

Links to resources mentioned in the presentation:…

Workshop description: As a doctoral student or postdoc, negotiating a job offer …

Answering “why are you leaving academia” questions in interviews

Links to resources mentioned in the presentation:…

Workshop description: For many doctoral students and postdocs, making a jump from …

10 strategies for more effective interviewing

Links to resources mentioned in the presentation:…

Workshop description: From first round interviews via Zoom, to final round, in-person …

Mastering the cover letter in 10 steps

Links to resources mentioned in the presentation:…

Workshop description: If you are having a hard time getting started with …

10 steps for converting your CV to a resume

Links to resources mentioned in the presentation:…

Workshop description: Your academic CV is a great starting point for developing …