
Mastering the cover letter in 10 steps

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Workshop description: If you are having a hard time getting started with …

10 steps for converting your CV to a resume

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Workshop description: Your academic CV is a great starting point for developing …

Good questions to ask when networking, and why they are helpful

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Workshop description: Finding and talking to Penn alumni and contacts in your …

Networking effectively from the start of your doctorate to the end of your postdoc

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Workshop description:Setting aside a small amount of time for professional development activities …

What can you do with a doctoral degree?

Links to resources mentioned in the presentation:…

Workshop description:While some doctoral students have a firm idea of how they …

All Ivy Career Fair: Environmental Consulting Panel

The password to watch this video is allivy2022

All Ivy Career Fair: Clean Tech Panel

The password to view this video is allivy2022.

How PhDs/Postdocs Can Use Aurora at Penn

Join L. Maren Wood, PhD, Founder and CEO of Beyond the Professoriate, for a webinar on how to take advantage …

Negotiating Your Job Offers as a PhD/Postdoc

Should you negotiate a job offer? When do you negotiate a job offer? What can I negotiate? What if I …