Whether you are in the first years of your academic program at Penn, or right at the end of your postdoc, there are many benefits to attending the BioSciences Career Fair on Friday, September 27th. You don’t need to be looking for an internship or full-time opportunity right now to take advantage of career fairs. As one of the smaller career fairs coordinated by Penn Career Services, there are plenty of opportunities for you to engage with the employers to explore future career options, connected with Penn alumni representing their organizations, learn what skills are valued, and also get best practices for applying for specific roles. Employers enjoy talking with students and postdocs at these events, and there is lots you can learn to help you in your future job search.
Watch this information-rich workshop to:
– Learn how to confidently navigate an in-person and virtual career fairs
– Create a compelling resume for the resume books that are shared will all employers prior to the fairs
– Get insights into the types of questions you can ask during a career fair
– Feel confident networking with representatives from the different employers
– Learn how to follow-up after the career fair