While offer letters for different types of jobs (and from different industries) will differ in terms of some of what they include, there are some standard pieces of information that are usually common across them all. Join us for this mini-workshop to learn about what you should do when you receive an offer letter, what you can be looking for in the letter, and what to do next after you have read it. We will share some additional resources you can use to develop your negotiation strategy.
• Advice on how to read a job offer letter:
• NACE Salary Calculator Center: www.jobsearchintelligence.com/NACE/salary-calculator-intro/
• LinkedIn Salary tool: www.linkedin.com/salary
• GoingGlobal H1B tool: https://careerservices.upenn.edu/reso…
• Glassdoor: https://careerservices.upenn.edu/reso…
• Faculty salary data: https://data.chronicle.com/
• Bureau of Labor Statistics US Department of Labor: http://www.bls.gov/ooh/
• Big Interview: https://careerservices.upenn.edu/reso…
• Aurora: https://careerservices.upenn.edu/reso…
• I really hate negotiating, but… (blog post): https://www.insidehighered.com/advice…