PhD Career Exploration Fellow Spotlight: Hannah Loo

Hosted by LRSM

  • Describe your experience working with your host. 

Dr. Ashley Wallace was a phenomenal host who from the get-go made it clear that she was here to support me in whatever capacity would be most helpful. She offered opportunities to get involved in the outreach programs at the LRSM, conduct education-based research, and connect with individuals within the LRSM to learn more about their career journeys. Throughout the entire process, she was available, empathetic, supportive, and ultimately helped me feel more confident in my future directions. I came into the CEF unsure about whether I wanted to continue the PhD at all, and conflicted about what my future career would look like. Through Ashley’s guidance, I left feeling less alone in that struggle, and more confident in the next steps to gain clarity. 

  • What did you learn from this opportunity (about yourself, about career fields, the job search, etc.)?

I learned that I deeply value working with people and the unique issues facing the Philadelphia education system, and that a career in STEM is likely not the direction I will go in after the PhD. I learned that it’s okay to change your mind, and okay to make connections and network even if you’re unsure exactly what you want to do next. 

  • How does your CEF experience benefit your future career plans?

I’ve made some valuable connections, and met people I know are for me, and want to support me in whatever direction I go next. 

  • What was the most valuable part of your CEF experience?

Getting to know and work with Ashley – I was honestly super lost when it came to career coming into CEF, and she helped me talk through a lot of my questions and conflicts. She connected me to some deeply kind people who care a lot about STEM outreach and education, and have been invaluable resources even after my CEF experience ended.

  • Top reason PhD students should apply to the CEF:

It’s a great way to explore alternative careers and get a sense of what’s out there, and an awesome opportunity to meet people outside of your field and realize there’s more than one way to build a career and get a job. 

By Tithi Basu Mallik
Tithi Basu Mallik Associate Director, Graduate Students