Resume/Cover Letter Reviews

We are excited to work with you in preparing your best, most effective and impactful application materials! Whether you are applying for a specific internship or full-time opportunity, submitting applications to continue your education in graduate or professional school, or just exploring and preparing a resume or cover letter to have when you may need it, this is a great place to start:

First, please review the guidance and best practices shared in our “Learn How To” sections for
Resumes and Cover Letter and address any updates or revisions you can make independently. Then, choose from one of the three sections below for your next steps:

*A current Undergraduate student/Undergraduate alumnus OR
current SEAS Master’s degree candidate or SEAS Master’s degree program alumnus from residential/non-online programs only:

  • Please first review our Resume Guide and Resume Checklist* to assist you in preparing your best drafts for review.
  • Complete the request form below – and, for the most helpful feedback, include below either 1) your ideal type(s) of role/potential industries or 2) a specific job title and industry to which you are applying (a web link to a currently listed opportunity is also welcome!).
  • Important notes:
    • Please allow for up to  one week for your review to be returned to you via email with advisor notes; reviews are completed as expediently as possible and in the order they are received
    • At the start of each semester and during peak recruiting seasons, please allow up to two weeks to receive a completed review.
    • Accepted Document Types include .doc, .docx, and/or PDF
    • Please limit review requests through this form to no more than one per week, or two for a single document per 30-day period
    • Please do not send a second copy of the same document for review until you have received your first completed review.
  • An additional resource for you: Are you curious about how your resume may be evaluated when you apply to positions online? Whether you’re assessing your resume against a specific opportunity or are starting with a “baseline” relevancy score, check out Penn’s subscription to Targeted Resume.

Please log-in to our site with your PennKey to continue. Click “Log in” at the top right.

Note: You may not submit a new resume for review until you have received feedback on your last submitted resume. You may not submit the same document for review more than two times in one 30-day period. Maximum of one resume for review per week.

Applications for Graduate & Professional School

Graduate Students, Graduate Alumni, and Current Postdoctoral Fellows

You can make an appointment with a career advisor at any time, but you’ll find it more helpful if you have a draft version of your resume (and/or other job search materials) to get the most useful feedback.
**SEAS Master’s candidates:  You are encouraged to review the Undergraduate Resume Guide and Undergraduate Resume Checklist

  • To make an appointment, log in to Handshake or call 215-898-7530.
  • Or schedule a Same Day Drop-In phone appointment by signing up on Handshake beginning at 9:15AM the day of the appointment.
    • Note: Please include your phone number when making the appointment and be sure to be available for the advisor at the time you select. These slots are for 15 minutes appointments so it may not be possible to get a complete review during this time.

Note: For non-online Master’s Degree Candidates in the School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS), you may also complete the Document Review Request form under the Undergraduate Students section.