Career Services Summer Funding
There are a variety of funding sources across Penn for professional pursuits over the summer. We encourage you to check some of highlighted resources below.
Career Services Summer Funding for undergraduates
Career Services offers summer funding to eligible students to pursue internships and other summer work opportunities. Check out our FAQs and read more about eligibility and application guidelines.
Graduate student summer internship funding
In partnership with GAPSA, Penn Career Services will offer a limited amount of funding for unpaid summer internships for 2024. The application is closed. Check back in early spring 2025
Other Penn Sources of
Funding to explore
Besides Career Services, there are multiple sources of funding throughout Penn available to support students with summer and some post-grad opportunities.
Non-Penn (External) Sources of Funding
There are multiple funding sources outside of Penn available to support students with summer and some post-grad opportunities. Take advantage of The Grant Advisor and SPIN Database
Tips for Applying for Funding
Review these best practices before submitting any application for funding to improve your chances for funding success.