What Are Career Champions?

Penn Career Services welcomes faculty and staff across campus to join our Career Champions Initiative. Being a career champion on campus means supporting students, postdocs, and alumni in any aspect of their professional and career development. Not everyone comes to Career Services for career advice, and we value our campus partners who share their perspectives and experiences to support the populations of students, postdocs, and alumni that we all serve in different ways. This initiative empowers you to make a direct impact on the success of our diverse community in unique and meaningful ways that align with your role at Penn.

By participating in the Career Champions Initiative, you’ll become an integral part of our campus network, gaining access to resources, career programming highlights, and event updates that you can share with the populations you serve at Penn, enriching their professional and career journeys. Get started by signing up for our quarterly newsletter below, and we will keep you updated about the most relevant career news and happenings on campus that students, postdocs, and alumni will find helpful. Keep an eye out for our annual Penn Career Champions Conference held at the end of each spring semester. You can see some of the recorded sessions from previous conferences here: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to become a Career Champion, connect with colleagues at Penn who share your interests in professional and career development, and stay informed about the latest career resources and events. Sign up today! And don’t forget to stop by our office in the basement of the McNeil Building to use our professional head shot photo-booth for free between 9am-5pm on weekdays. Learn more here: https://careerservices.upenn.edu/resources/free-professional-headshots-in-the-career-services-photo-booth/

Our plan moving forward

  • We share all of our updates and resources with the community of Career Champions in our quarterly newsletter – signing up for this is the best way to keep updated on the Career Champions initiative.
  • We want to know what resources and trainings will be most helpful for you as you support and engage with your different populations at Penn – we will be sending out a brief survey in the coming months so to capture some of this information.
  • Did you know Career Services will be moving locations in early 2025 – we can’t wait to invite you to our new space when it opens. It will provide a wonderful opportunity to bring our career champions together!
  • And did you know that Penn Career Services will be celebrating its 100th Anniversary in 2026? We are looking forward to celebrating the impact we have had at Penn, and welcome any suggestions for collaborations, programs, and events that can mark this occasion. Feel free to reach out to Joseph Barber (barberjo@upenn.edu) with any and all ideas.

Career Champions Newsletter

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(215) 898-7531

McNeil Building Suite 20
3718 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Service Hours

Monday 9am-5pm
Tuesday 9am-5pm
Wednesday 9am-5pm
Thursday 9am-5pm
Friday 9am-5pm