As a user of this site:
- I agree to provide accurate and truthful information about my qualifications and educational background in my online profile, my resume, and any supplemental job-search documents I upload to the system.
- I will keep my profile information up to date, including my current contact information, email address, and academic major and class year. If a current University of Pennsylvania student, I will use my email address in my profile.
- I authorize Career Services to release my resume to employers I have selected via Handshake and On-Campus Interviewing (OCI).
- If participating in On-Campus Interviewing (OCI), I agree to abide by all OCI policies and procedures.
- I am responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of my login information and password. I am responsible for all uses of my registration, whether or not authorized by me. If others use my password to access job listings or to post inappropriate material on the site, I risk losing my access to the site. In circumstances where Career Services suspects that account access information has been shared and unauthorized access has been granted to the system, I understand the policy is to immediately suspend all user privileges, investigate the situation, and possibly refer the case to the Office of Student Conduct.
- Career Services expects Penn students and alumni using Handshake (including on-campus recruiting, job postings, resume books, and career fair contacts) to honor their commitment and think carefully when accepting a job or internship offer. It is unprofessional and damaging to both a student’s personal reputation and the reputation of Penn as an institution when an individual reneges on an accepted job offer. Please carefully consider all options before accepting a position, and, if in doubt about whether to accept it, consult with a Career Services advisor. Individuals who renege on a job or internship offer may face suspension of their Handshake privileges (including the on-campus recruiting program).
- I agree to the Terms and Conditions.
University of Pennsylvania Career Services provides Handshake only for your personal use. Access to Handshake is a privilege for eligible students, postdocs and alumni regularly served by this office. Career Services reserves the right to suspend or terminate this privilege at its sole discretion.
If you have questions or concerns about the user agreement, please discuss it with the Senior Associate Director for your school.
For Information on the Privacy Policy of the University of Pennsylvania please click here.