Penn Career Services sponsors employer treks to provide students the opportunity to visit employers during the spring semester. These opportunities allow students to get a glimpse into the workplace, learn about individual organizations and their industries, tour their offices and facilities, and meet recruiters and other staff members! Participants meet with alumni to hear about their experiences and network with recruiters.
There is no cost to attend these treks! Each trek will have a limited capacity, so there is a short application process (details in the How to Apply section). Certain treks will be for particular affinity groups (e.g. FGLI) or degree levels, so please note that when applying.
How to Apply
Each trek opportunity will be listed as a Handshake job posting. You will need to upload a resume (1 page for undergraduates, 2 pages maximum for graduate students) and complete the registration survey, which includes an essay question about why you’re interested in the employer and how this experience will contribute to your career goals. You may apply for as many treks as you’d like, but part of the decision-making will give preference to those who have not yet attended a trek.
Spring 2024 Opportunities

Boston Consulting Group | March 15, 12-2 PM | Philadelphia
FGLI Affinity Trek
Rolling admissions February 15 – February 28

Moelis & Company + Societe Generale | March 22, 7:30 AM-4 PM | New York City
FGLI Affinity Trek
Applications will open February 22 – March 7

Mathematica | April 5, 9:30 AM-1 PM | Princeton, NJ
Masters & Doctoral Students Trek
Applications will open February 22 – March 21

Perpay | April 12, 3-5 PM | Philadelphia
Masters Students Trek
Applications will open February 22 – March 28