Learn to beat tech interview questions directly from the tech professionals that ask them for FAANG/MAMAA and other top industry employers!
Built by experts for future experts like you, use Exponent’s custom tools for acing the interview – the platform has tons of 5-star user reviews!
Current students and post-docs are invited to log in today to access your free account through Penn’s subscription!
Exponent covers all aspects of preparing for technical interviews for career paths & related concepts around roles in:
* Product Management (PM)
* Machine Learning (ML)
* Data Science
* Business Operations & Strategy
* UX/Product Design
* System Design and more!
With real-life interview questions, guidance on all aspects of the interview process (including behavioral questions!), guides to prep for specific organizations, videos to explore careers, a peer-to-peer mock interview matching service, blogs and an active group of engaged community learners you can join, Exponent is ready to help you start & advance your career!
Please note, this resource is only available to current students and postdocs.