Dear Pre-law Students and Alumni,
Warm greetings from your pre-law advising team.
We want to remind you that we are available for 30min. advising appointments by phone or video, which you can schedule through Handshake. We will resume telephone “drop-in hours” on the week of August 24th. In addition, we will resume Law School Document Critique Appointments for applicants who are applying to law school this upcoming cycle; these critique appointments will begin the week of August 24th. For more information on all of our appointments, CLICK HERE.
This semester we will offer feedback on law school resumes via email for applicants. Instructions on where to send your law school resume for a critique will soon be provided on our webpage. Please stay tuned for more information on this.
We are excited to offer virtual programming this Fall, including a Law School Application Seminar on Sept. 16th and a presentation on Getting Started on Your Personal Statement on October 1st. Details for these events are available in Handshake.
As you prepare your application materials, we urge you to explore the various resources on our pre-law website, including:
- Slide Deck on What to Do and When to Do It:
- Advice on the Personal Statement:
- Advice on the Diversity Statement and Addenda:
- Advice on the Law School Resume and Sample Law School Resumes:
- Advice on Letters of Recommendation:
Best wishes to all,
Carol, Mia, Ariana & Becky