
Career Services LIVE

10 steps for converting your CV to a resume

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Workshop description: Your academic CV is a great starting point for developing …

Good questions to ask when networking, and why they are helpful

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Workshop description: Finding and talking to Penn alumni and contacts in your …

Networking effectively from the start of your doctorate to the end of your postdoc

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Workshop description:Setting aside a small amount of time for professional development activities …

What can you do with a doctoral degree?

Links to resources mentioned in the presentation:…

Workshop description:While some doctoral students have a firm idea of how they …

Beyond Autofill – Developing a Savvy Social Media Strategy for Your Job Search When Social Media Isn’t Normally Your Thing

As you are thinking about your career and professional development, you have probably asked yourself whether there is more you …

CAMS: Careers in Consulting

Consulting has long been one of the top career paths of College graduates and for good reason: College graduates are …